Wednesday, October 2, 2013

LOVE TO ALL October is here.

Today is the first of October! Fall is in the air and life is exciting. In spirit of winter coming my voice is now an octave lower due to crisp air invading my fragile lungs. I have been going on many walks with Madyy the dog and babysitting at 7:20 in the morning!...for 1 hour, I make 30 dollars a day (if I'm lucky). Post college life is thrilling to say the least. HOWEVER, things are on the horizon and I will explain more as thing blog takes off. Belen came to visit last week all the way from the middle of america, It was refreshing to have her around. 

Thats it for this post.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday, I taught a lesson plan in my elementary classroom for the “field experience” portion of the COE.  I have been in this first and second grade elementary classroom every week on Monday and Tuesday since the beginning of September. I have learned so much and I am becoming increasingly comfortable with teaching. I enjoy the kids so much and teaching is so fun!....and a lot of work, but so worth it. I am thrilled that I have found something I am passionate about and I will have a job I will be excited to go to. The kids smiling faces make my day :D

Here are a few pictures taken during my science lesson plan. I taught them the Scientific Method by doing experiments: “Chemicals Clean Pennies” and “Make Milk Move”. The kids loved it and I tested out a new style of classroom management and it worked so well! Ms. Field also starting laughing during it because apparently I tend to say things in funny ways (it’s a compliment I believe).  The kids made me smile so much because they were so interested and started chanting “Go Miss Donovan” when I was stirring the pennies in the mixture. We had so much fun!

Oh and the kids have apple faces because I cant put pictures of them online due to all the creeps and weirdo’s roaming the earth.  

This was my favorite reflection...
I'm glad she learned so much. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Thanksgiving update.

Thanksgiving was amazing! But I did miss my super cool family. 

                                                           Dinner #1- Will's Parents
Winner: AWESOME family, I felt so at home at their house as far as food goes: potato stuffing mashed with sweet potato pie thing, with green bean casserole stirred in and turkey pieces all jumbled up in there as well.

                                                          Dinner #2- Reno's House
Winner: Joining in with his six sisters booty dancing to Beyonce in the kitchen upon arrival, and hugs from Samoan people are the epitome of hugs.

                                                        Dinner #3- House Family! 
Winner: Sharing stories about being dumb and young in high school, candle lit dinner, and my friends Ross and Caroline joined us! Hawaii I feel a little lonely and I get all hum-bug because I feel like I don't have a ton of friends and my family is no longer out here. Yesterday I realized that I am being absolutely ridiculous when I get in those moods because I have so many people here who love me. I am super blessed and so thankful for everyone in my life
.... and thats the end of my Thanksgiving tale :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dear Family. I am so thankful for you.

The kids in my class this week had an assignment to write a letter to their parents describing what they are thankful for. I think that as we get older we forget to tell the people who are close to us how thankful we are for them and how much we love them. Tomorrow, being Thanksgiving I think it is appropriate to make a list of some of the things I am thankful for (in no specific order): 

1. Hi mom! I am thankful for you. Thank you for always encouraging me and loving me so much. You have shown me what selfless love looks like, always putting your children before yourself. You are the best mom a kid could have. I had a realization the other day and this was it: you were born to be a mother. What I am saying is... you are pretty much super duper mom, and I am so blessed that God gave me you! You have set such a good example of how to follow God, loving others to full capacity and considering others better than yourself. You are so compassionate and kind, you have a heart of Gold mom. I love you so much! Thank you for the best childhood ever, you made me who I am and were on my side even when you knew I was wrong :) I am so happy when people tell me I am like you, because everything you are is amazing and beautiful. I am so thankful for you, I love you so much Mama! 
 2. Ello pops! ohhh Dad and I are so much alike, we have the same sense of humor and have similar mood swings. He and I are not constant in our moods; one minute we are completely social and excited to talk with anyone and the next in no mood to converse. We also like the same things for Christmas, 20 midgets painted orange. Thank you for loving my dad, and giving your best to me. Thank you for making me feel wonderful and beautiful. Thank you for wanting to know me and spending time with me. I am so happy that at the end of the day I can call you up and tell you something ridiculous one of my students has said. It is cool how much we make each other laugh. Thanks for letting me go all the way to Hawaii for college and trusting that God will always take care of me :) I may have grown up fast but I will always be your little girl forever and ever. 
3.Hey T-dawg. I miss you! and the shhaks do too. They have been wondering why you are no longer surfing bowls and they want to know how your kid is doing? I told them all  about my niece. I can't believe you are a father now! but don't forget that you will always be my big brother. Judging by how amazing of a big brother you have been to me I know that you are going to be an amazing father to Bo. I am so excited to watch her grow up and see you and her grow together, and mama annie too! Here is some advice I have for you as a daughter: 1. Talk to her about stuff 2. Tell her she is beautiful and talented and that you love her daily 3. Make her laugh and 4. Make sure she knows how much you love her mom. I know you are pro-father now, but i know that dad did all those things and that is why I turned out so freaking awesome. 
You are a cool guy taydo. I miss all of our stupid jokes that annie didn't understand haha, laughing out loud to Calvin and Hobbs. You and A-frame made my Hawaii experience complete, to be honest, I would not be here if it weren't for you. Thank you just for being you. 
4. A-Frame! The sister I never had, but now I do have :) I am so happy taylor married you, you have no idea. He really picked a winner... and you picked a winner too :) and you guys have the cutest, most beautiful, and friendly baby ever born, little Bo: nugget butt, chubba-chu, Bojangley... more nick names will develop I am sure. 
Any ways, thank you for being in my life and investing in me. I am so happy that you genuinely care about me. I feel so lucky that you and I have such a good relationship and I can talk to you about anything. You are such an important woman in my life. In all areas of my life you have taught me to keep my standard high and to never settle for less. I also appreciate your open mind and your peaceful presence. I think you handle things with a lot of grace, I look up to that. I love you annie!
5. Oh Twesto, Oh i love you so much. You are so random and funny. The way God has worked in your life is so amazing. You are honestly my little miracle child. I am so proud of who you are. I love that you stay true to yourself and you are not afraid of what others think. You have always been my best friend and little buddy. Thanks for playing cheerleader with me when we were little and letting my put a leash around your neck and drag you around the house. I really appreciate how many times you told dad that "YOU SMELL" from the popsicle stained mouth,you were such a cute kid. You complete our family. I have seen so many different phases of your life and I am so happy that you have allowed God use you to bring glory to his name. You are so special to me little brother and you make me laugh like no one else. Don't ever change, I need you kiddo! and this summer is gonna be gnar- gnar a fo sho!  I am thankful for you!
6. little Bo-jangly! I love you so much. I never knew I could, upon first sight, love someone so much. You are perfect, that is the only way to put it. I want you to know that I am always here for you. I am your Auntie and if you ever need me I am there. You are beautiful and precious and I know you are not going to stay tiny forever, I am excited to watch you grow up! I can't wait to share the things I have learned in my life with you. I am excited to see who you become. I will always be praying for you little one. I love you so much and I am so thankful for your chubby cheeks, rolls, and dimple fingers. I love you Bo! forever.
7. Amanda Pants, Mayonaise, all the above. I love you, our relationship means so much to me. I think that it is a bit ridiculous that I have to call you my cousin because honestly, you are more of a sister to me in so many ways. Thank you for keeping me sane and always pointing to Jesus whenever I come to you with my many-a-problem. Also, thanks for listening to me. I tend to ramble on and come at you with the same dilemma from week to week, you listen to my nonsense on repeat, and always tell me to stop being so hard on my-self haha. You are also weird like me, we understand each other. You are hilarious, have amazing people skills, are so put-together, and value investing in others. I look up to you so much, I can't even describe how much of a role you have played in my life in the last couple years. It is so clear how much you love me :) and I love you too, sistah- cousins for life. 
Thank you all for teaching me what love is :)

p.s. I am going to keep this blog going since I don't have a Facebook anymore I want you all to see what is going on in my life!
Love you!