Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday, I taught a lesson plan in my elementary classroom for the “field experience” portion of the COE.  I have been in this first and second grade elementary classroom every week on Monday and Tuesday since the beginning of September. I have learned so much and I am becoming increasingly comfortable with teaching. I enjoy the kids so much and teaching is so fun!....and a lot of work, but so worth it. I am thrilled that I have found something I am passionate about and I will have a job I will be excited to go to. The kids smiling faces make my day :D

Here are a few pictures taken during my science lesson plan. I taught them the Scientific Method by doing experiments: “Chemicals Clean Pennies” and “Make Milk Move”. The kids loved it and I tested out a new style of classroom management and it worked so well! Ms. Field also starting laughing during it because apparently I tend to say things in funny ways (it’s a compliment I believe).  The kids made me smile so much because they were so interested and started chanting “Go Miss Donovan” when I was stirring the pennies in the mixture. We had so much fun!

Oh and the kids have apple faces because I cant put pictures of them online due to all the creeps and weirdo’s roaming the earth.  

This was my favorite reflection...
I'm glad she learned so much. 

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